Thank you for visiting my web-site. I have put a TON of time and effort into making this website for you over the last 16 years and do have some out of pocket fees that are associated with maintaining this website. We are asking for your help with a one time donation of just $1.00 per visitor, or any amount would be greatly appreciated; and I know that not everyone is able to donate. If you don't want to donate to my site, please take a few moments to donate to one of my favorite charities. Thank you!
There are currently two ways to make a donation. You can donate through paypal or you can sign up at
Your donation to The Germany Information Web-Site will be secure thanks to

If you are going to shop online, you might as well get cash back, right? It is FREE to use and is legitamite, I promise! You sign up, shop for the first time, and get $5 in your account.... and if you use my email address ( as the referrer, I will also get $5 in my account.
When you are ready to shop online, you visit and select from the hundreds of sites you want to shop at, it takes you to that site, you shop, and you get cash credited to your ebates account. Every three months, you get a check in the mail; yes it is that simple! I have already gotten over $600 back since about 2008. You can also click on this link to sign up for free...
Happy shopping!
Donate to one of my favorite charities
American Cancer Society
My cousin lost her life at the young age of 14, from Melanoma and I also lost my Grandfather to cancer
American Red Cross
I was a volunteer with the Landstuhl Regional Medical Center American Red Cross for 3 years.
Juvenile Diabetes Foundation
My cousin was diagnosed with diabetes at age 5